Home Care Fleets Benefit From Latest Tech

We love that there are so many options to stay in your home in the later years of your life.

Aged care in your home makes sense.

Recently we have been working with home care providers and their vehicle fleets. Using our technology inside their vehicles to ultimately improve their client outcomes.

The ability to not only locate the vehicle but also gather real-time data of the vehicles health allows the client service managers to plan and meet client demand.

Where is the vehicle?

Will it arrive on time?

Is support required now so we can meet client expectations?

Are we using our fleet efficiently?

How healthy is the vehicle to deliver what’s expected?

All these questions and more can be answered using the cutting-edge Square3X-4G. Mixed with the Space10X, the leading wireless equipment tracker, you can start to really improve decision-making.

Ultimately our technology is designed to allow the home care provider to deliver the best care possible. Such a valuable service for our respected senior citizens.


‘zzoota’ Your Equipment


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